Our organization members are all small size business owners to corporate enterprises, with a major corporation mentality.

Flag of Acknowledgement

To all who receive this symbol of Hope, Inspiration and Respect we dedicate this Flag to our Ancestors for their Love, Faith, Character and Strength. This Flag is designed as a constant reminder of your belief that we your Children will restore your Dignity and Honor by returning you back to the Land from which you came.

Price  $ 25,00   

Represents Acknowledgment of the Father

1 x Crown - Forever Kings asking for and receiving knowledge, understanding and accepting our natural order

2 x Lions of Judah - Calling and awakening the twelve tribes of Israel, (12 Stars) to begin the restoration of Grace and Harmony with GOD

1619 – Servitude begins   2019 – Servitude ends

Red Triangle – 400 Years of forced obedience    Black Triangle – The end of 400 years of Servitude

Green Stripe – Crossing of the green pasture, Spiritual growth inheritance of our own land

Gold – Spiritual comfort and protection   Red- Blood, Repentance, Strength, Spiritual

Black- Unknown, Faith, Spirit, Strong, Dominate, Fearless

Green- Growth, Renew

Gold- Royalty, Wealth, Spiritual Purity