Our organization members are all small size business owners to corporate enterprises, with a major corporation mentality.

Strength of the Black Dollar Worldwide

Strength of the Black dollar Worldwide

On 17 December 1903 in Kitty hawk North Carolina Wilbur and Orville Wright experimented with powered Flight, these two aviation Pioneers where on the brink of a transportation marvel. I’m not too sure if they truly understood the impact of what would happen if they succeeded. A Hundred and Seventeen years later, we can only assume that what we see today was the intent of their hard work,  the introduction to commercial aviation. Thousands of Flights depart and arrive daily, carrying passengers from all Countries, forging new relationships, bringing new ideas and innovations and business expansion possibilities. Today this can be accomplished without the eight-hour flight  from Washington D.C. to Frankfurt. Today with the available access to social media platforms, you can take a virtual tour of a company or property, conduct high level business meetings, buy and sell products with a simple click from your home or office. Currency is being transferred 24 hours daily, from Euro’s, Dollars, Pounds, Yen, Won, Peso, Dinar, Lira, Krone to name a few. People are investing worldwide, acquiring Real estate and Businesses. The individuals making these business transactions are not fluent in the host nation’s language or in some cases have the same personal appearance. That is a reason why the buyer does not apply for a loan from the host Country but rather they’re Country, why?  Because the property now belongs to the Financial Institution of the lender.  It is now possible to buy a complete Neighborhood and setup Shops to support the people living in that community, which will also invite the locals to sample the customs and culture of the residents which will bring in the currency from outside of the Community. This causes a crater exchange when transferring currency because the funds are taken out of the Local economy and used to pay off debt to the lender which is a foreign financial Institution. This process is deliberately employed to establish a presents in foreign economies, which gives the lenders leverage economically and politically.  „Success can be found where black folks cannot “this may sound harsh but it is true. The black dollar is not a factor on the International market, which translate into a lack of representation. The term black dollar is not the color of the money of course, but an ideology a system of belief based on ethics, values, morals and cultural pride. The national buying power of the black dollar in 2019 was 1.4 trillion dollars, wow that’s amazing Blacks have wealth for at least one day. Unfortunately, we do not fully understand the power of what we possess in that one day, we could collectively build companies, invest in pre-owned black enterprises, support the education system and establish platforms to lift our people out of poverty. This could all begin in one day. The horrible truth is, we are not wired to think in that manner, but everyone around us has no problems managing the production of wealth. We are talking to black folks, we cannot include any other race of people into this equation at this time, we must first establish ourselves in this world, in this system. This uphill battle can only succeed thru togetherness, although we speak American English, we have a problem understanding one another because the words themselves, makes us superior to blacks but inferior to everyone else because it is a barrowed language. Please do not get me wrong, some European American has stood by our side in every battle we fought and we should be thankful for their support and caring, but this battle we must fight alone. We need a hard reset. This reset must occur before we begin our journey in the world of the responsible exchange of currency, production of wealth and the responsible distribution thereof. The turbocharged exit of the black dollar from our neighborhoods emphasizes how irresponsible we are, we have a temptation to buy goods and products, products with a fancy label or emblem, because it personifies strength to hide a weakness. The black dollar has the most value of any currency worldwide because it is multi-dimensional effect.  Who knows this to be true? everyone, except us.