Black Wealth, White Application
Before we get started, this is not a racist title but merely a glimpse into the reality surrounding the flow of black assets. Black wealth can be considered as Soft, Hard, Personal and Intellectual assets. Soft assets can be considered as Currency, hard assets are considered as Real Estate or Property acquired by soft assets, Personal assets which is the most important or keys asset can be considered as Moral, Values, Ethics, Dedication and Responsibility and Intellectual assets which allows you to be skilled in the art of making good business decisions. Today the African American has amassed more wealth collectively than any other African Descendants on the Face of this Planet, but where is it? being returned to the rightful owner of course. We are consumer and not producers, 100 percent of the money we make must be accounted for in the end the system will be satisfied with a 15 percent lost for non recoverable. The system is so designed that black dollars will not stay black for long, we can earn it but they decide how to re-apply it,(White Application) once it is returned back into the system. The fact that we do not own any financial institution or we are frightened to use those that exist allows this to happen.
I have over and over heard of individuals building multi- million dollar companies starting with one dollar (The money Maker are considered to be those individuals who are Marketable) and I have also heard of people losing multi-million dollar companies because of one dollar. Both instances are contributed to the application thereof. Let’s consider the first, Statement (How can I build a multi-million dollar Company with one dollar?) I would say alot of luck and/or being in the right place at the right Time. In either case you must have a good idea for a product, the ability to develop the product, advertise and Market the product and make it affordable to everyone who would like to purchase it. In order to develop a product you must first acquire all necessary items to make a complete system, well there goes the one dollar, but not really. Now you must find Investors, to support the development of the product by means of financial assistance or supplying Goods and Services. This is where blacks normally confront defeat, because we are so poorly connected (no networks) and those who have wealth cannot be contacted because they have agents or protectors to ensure that the wealth believed to be theirs will not get into the wrong hands, (their own) to be used for acquisition of Hard assets, helping the communties from which they came or used for creating education platforms. So you use 75 cents of the only dollar you have to place phone call to Friends who have connections, and after several meetings you conclude that the conversations went from developing a product to something not affiliated with the Topic. Now your only option is to use the remaining 25 cents to contact a system owned Financial Institution for help. After research they conclude that your product is marketable beyond your imagination and agree to fund you. Finally you’ve made progress, your idea has been accepted, production has begun and your product is on the Market. A blackman has become successful, but the neighborhood still suffers and you move out. This is caused by conflicting Personal assets which cause the application of funds to be distributed in a bias manner. The money you earn thru your company is the same money that can be barrowed by people who thinks you are not equal to them or purchase ships to transport drugs to be sold in your communities or a shop that sells weapons to be used against you. We must think about the application of funds, I believe if we had more black owned Financial Institutions, our situation would be different by using soft assets to purchase hard asset applying Personal assets in an Intellectual asset manner. Now for the second statement, if you take one dollar and support a cause that the system is not happy with you are on the way to a face to face confrontation to the neighborhood you said good bye to. The responsible application of black wealth demands and will gain respect from everyone involved in the distribution process.